
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Styles of the Day

Yesterday, we had a big family party! I (Katie) currently have a large number of relatives in town and we have been spending a lot of time with them the past few weeks. Yesterday was a particularly fun day at a bounce house followed by dinner at my sisters. The evening weather was lovely and all of our wonderful children enjoyed playing together in the yard until they were completely pooped!

So the big question is... on such a special day, what did I do with my girls hair? Here are the pics!

I finally got around to taking V's twists out and doing a puff. BEAUTIFUL! I love this SO much, I don't understand why I don't do it more often!

You can see her cornrows are looking a little fuzzy already. I didn't use gel when I put them in, but my gel usage is a whole other blog post of it's own! To try and keep it looking as cleaned up as possible I go around her hair line and spray all the little loose hairs and then gather them into little bunches and gently twirl them together to make little curly Q's. This works alright.

I did something new with B's locs too. There is nothing "new" about this style, really. I am pretty sure I wore my hair like this once or twice as a kid. But I hadn't ever thought to do it on B! Like I have said, there are SO many more styles I have yet to try with B, because I just haven't thought to do them yet!

She is sporting some cute flower ballies I picked up at Target the other day. Sorry I forgot the brand name.

Lastly, we had some fun with little E! Steph sent us a fun little package a few weeks ago with some multi-colored pink BGP's (Big Giant Pony beads). We hadn't had a chance to use them yet, so this was exciting! I have been surprised in the past to find that it was much harder to put beads on little E's braids then on B or V's braids. I have had to make sure E's braids were itty, bitty to get the beads on. So I was glad that the BGP's had a bigger hole.

In order to keep them on the braids though, I got a bit creative. I decided to take two braids and band them together at the bottom to make sure that the beads wouldn't be able to slide over the hair thing. It worked!

Oh yeah! I also used the Tate's gel on her braids to keep the little flyaways at bay. I normally hesitate to put hair products on little E, because, well, I don't like hair products! LOL! But since I am so comfortable with the ingredients in the Tate's products I didn't even hesitate to use it yesterday and it worked GREAT!

Do you put extra effort into styling your daughters' hair when attending family gatherings? How does you family react to your fancy styles? We would love to hear from you about your experiences, so leave us a comment!



  1. Cute, I love the poof look. It is one of my favs.

  2. I usually take a little more time to make it is a "fresh" style, that it is neat and cute. I get compliments on it, but I think most of them may be because they couldn't style it that way. My next task...birthday hair!

  3. I washed G's hair tonight (it was "shaving cream extravaganza" at church camp today. Yeah. Just like it sounds!) and it was completely squeaky clean (thanks Tate's!) and then I did B's style above on G, and I ADORE it. SO fast and so cute! We did the big strawberry ballies at the bottoms I had at Snapaholics (can't get more. Boo.)

    Such a simple style I don't know why I didn't think of it either LOL


  4. This is so cute and easy!
    Did you get those strawberry @ Snapaholics?!! I can't see to find them!! Please help!!!!

  5. @Beatrix Potter
    yes those strawberry ballies came from my Snapaholics store. I was just at that supplier and CANNOT get more i was so bummed! i could have gotten daisy faces but thought they looked tacky :( i am always on the lookout for CUTE ballies :)

    Keep checkign the site! Maybe I'll hit up wa-lmart and see if i can find any cute ones


  6. Your hairstyles are all pretty, I have used several on my 7 year daugther.
    What can I used to keep her ends from getting

  7. @Heather - Lately when doing V's cornrows I have been moisturizing with a coconut oil/shea butter mixture that I made. I have been really working it into the ends of her hair and I think it has been really good for her!

  8. Can you recommend a brand of coconut oil and shea butter?

  9. @Heather

    Hi Heather....Mountain Rose Herbs is a good source for all things body and butter. Also I do sell some nice Virgin Coconut Oil, but we also have a great Amazon "shop" in our sidebar on the blog. There is shea and also Coconut oil in there for sale!



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