
Monday, July 19, 2010

Tate's Natural Miracle Hair and Body Products - Product Review

This is Keep Me Curly's first official haircare product review! We hope to be doing these often and, when we can, accompany them with a giveaway! Today we are reviewing a product called Tate's Natural Miracle Hair and Body Products. The wonderful company that has provided the samples for Katie and Steph to review is called Truly Pure and Natural.

You will have to bear with us as we decide exactly how we are going to do some of these things on our blog. Please leave us feedback in the comments if you like or dislike our format. Our plan for product reviews is to do both a video review and a written review, so here goes!

Tate's Natural Miracle Shampoo
Tate's Natural Miracle Conditioner
Tate's Natural Miracle Hair Gel
(They sell more products like these, but we only reviewed these 3)

Truly Pure and Natural

Shampoo: Mountain Spring Water, coconuts, hazelnuts, pine needles, chamomile, nutmeg, lemons, thyme, passion flower, apples, cinnamon, eucalyptus, sea salt, geranium, raspberries, almonds

Conditioner: Mountain spring water, apples, strawberries, rose, lemons, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, boysenberries, oranges, cloves, ginger, pineapple, blackberries, celery, cherry bark, oak bark, orchid, marigold, hazel nut, pine needles, coconut, chamomile, jasmine, calendula, parsley, thyme, papaya, eucalyptus, passion flower, cinnamon, geranium, nutmeg.

Gel: Mountain spring water, pine needles, pine bark, oak bark, honey, lavender, calendula, basil, parsley, cucumber, tomatoes, rose hip, allspice berries, citrus peels, juniper, lemongrass, sage, mint, thyme, vinegar, peppermint, apricot, peach.

No dyes, gluten, colors, iodine, glycols, sulfates, parabens, fragrance, or phosphates. No animal testing!

The Conditioner and Gel were pretty much odorless, and the shampoo smells lightly like Almond Extract while you are using it but afterwards doesn't leave a lingering scent. I also believe the shampoo comes in an odorless version. These are GREAT for people with scent sensitivities.

These products are SO versatile! They can be used on a variety of different skin types and for all kinds of crazy uses that you would never think of! The website has a pdf you can download of the 100 different uses for the conditioner! For now we have just used them for basic hair and skin needs, but even for that they are very versatile. The Shampoo is great for washing hair and body on all of our family members. The Conditioner is great for Co-washes, and as a leave in conditioner on our girls with locs. It is also great as a shaving lotion for women. It makes for silky smooth skin when used as a LOTION on Katie and little E, but needed to be applied very heavily to be moisturizing enough for B and V. Steph came up with a great way to mix the conditioner with distilled water and a bit of virgin olive oil in a spray bottle that has been working wondrously as a hair and body spritz for Miss G. (check the video) The gel is non-sticky and has a light hold. Works good as a gentle, not crunchy, styling aid for Katie, and Steph has been using it too. Steph doesn't do anything to her hair in the morning after washing (except brushing), and running the gel through damp hair has really helped prevent the flyaways! We will have to update you after V's next hairstyle to let you know how the gel works for cornrow styles. I believe we have only tapped the surface of the many cool uses for these products!

$5.99 for the 4oz bottle (this is the size you see in the video)
$19.99 for a 16 oz bottle, but less when bought in combination packages

This is slightly on the expensive side, but not so much when considering that they are all VERY natural products. We have found that a little goes a long way for most uses of the products so far. If it also eliminates the need to purchase many other products, this can be cost-effective as well.

Overall Impression:
We were both really excited for the chance to try these new products and to work with Denise, the lovely woman who sells them at the Truly Pure and Natural store. We are very impressed with the ingredients and feel so good about knowing exactly what we are putting on our families' hair and skin. I don't think we have ever come across a shampoo and conditioner that contain all these wonderful ingredients before. If you choose to use the shampoo and conditioner for all of your hair and skin care needs for your whole family you could eliminate MANY of the bottles cluttering up your shower and cupboard!

For more details about our experiences with Tate's please view these videos.

*We were not paid to do this review. We were sent samples to try with our families and give an honest review.

Come back tomorrow for the chance to win some Tate's for yourself! We can't wait to hear what you think of these products too!


  1. This is great! I'm always looking for NATURAL hair products. They can be so hard to find. Thank you for the review! (I only read the written part - haven't watched the videos yet.)

  2. These products sound great. I love that they are so natural. The conditioner sounds like it is very versitile.

    On a side note, all of the girls are so cute and have such beautiful hair.

  3. I wish that I wasn't so totally allergic to the ingredients in this product, or I'd be buying some--it looks and sounds wonderful. Maybe when she's older and not dependent on me to apply everything.

  4. Thanks for your thorough review. I think the format of both the written review and video review is great! And I like the idea of mixing the conditioner with some water and olive oil. My little one is already a water baby, too, and I make her wear a cap for the time being, but I'm sure a day will come when she will protest. :)


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