
Saturday, August 28, 2010


Thanks to our Random Generator thingy we have TWO lucky winners of our Soft Spike Curlers Giveaway!!!!!

The winning comment numbers are 31 and 16:

Heather said... 

I am a Facebook fan.

Letty said... 

4everlandj in Katie's youtube channel

If this is you, please email us at and let us know what your mailing address is as well as what size and color of Soft Spikes you would like!  IF we don't hear from you by Friday, September 3rd we will choose new winners.

CONGRATS and Thanks to everyone for playing!

1 comment:

We love your comments, so please share your thoughts with us! We do moderate all comments on this blog, so you might need to wait a few hours or a day to see your comment show up! We also have disallowed anonymous comments. We are just getting way too much spam.