
Monday, September 13, 2010

Show Us Your STUFF!!! Giveaways for the winners!

So, our topic is STUFF and how we deal with it. It's pretty major. Stuff is a big deal in my house. I moved from about 2500 square feet down to maybe 900 or 1000. Needless to say, cabinets and storage bins that hide lots of little things are big in my place!

With regard to hair stuff, now that we have locs we are a little more happy go lucky. Also, since I run Snapaholics, bling is but a package-rip away LOL!

I would LOVE to tell you that I am the epitome of organization...both now and before we had locs. I would love to tell you that when I used to take a beaded hairstyle out I immediately put all the beads back into their little happy places and containers and drawers. I would love to tell you that I didn't de-bead and de-snap and put everything into a little tupperware bowl and set it somewhere and leave it there for....uh....some time. But, well, that would be a lie if I did :)

Here is the most organized that my bling has ever been:

Ha. Yep, it's only organized because it's my Snapaholics inventory :)

So what's a busy mom to do with 5 or 10 thousand in-use beads, snaps, bands, and not a ziploc baggie to be found to organize them all??? If I were that mom, I would buy this:

or this:

or if seeing all your bling excruciatingly sorted and organized floats your boat, this:


with this little guy on the side for taking with you on trips:
The point is, there is a LOT out there to help you, you just have to seek it out. Start in the fishing tackle box section or craft section of your local big box store, JoAnn Fabrics, or Michael's. We are also putting a lot of the items you see above in our Amazon store, which you can find in the sidebar of this blog. Support us by shopping our store!

If I were the organized Mom I always wanted to be, I personally would have that cool red one stacked with that cool blue one (yes my boat would be very floated by seeing all those colorful beads in the drawers!), instead of managing my removed hairstyles like this:

this one is from half-cornrows and box braids, March, 2008 I think. Yep. Here's proof:

Dug it out of a box of random beads. Now y'all know my dirty little secret. :)

SOOOOOO, now on to the giveaway! We would LOVE to see your bling organization photos. To entice you, this Friday at 5:00 PM EST we will choose three winners who will receive a coupon code for MORE BLING at Snapaholics! We are going to be completely subjective and just pick the three winners we like best. Could be best organization, most creative, coolest bling, whatever. We will post the winning photos and tell you why we liked them so much!

Please email your photos to! The winners will be announced on Saturday morning. Try to keep your submissions to no more than three photos per person.

Show us your BLING!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I missed the contest I just realized that! :( Oh well I look forward to seeing other people's organization. I also wanted to say thanks for posting your link because I have been watching your videos this morning and I think they are really going to help us! :)


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