
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday

Did You Know.....

That I went shopping today!  Yes, I splurged a little.  We have been very careful with every little penny for the last few months as we knew my hubby's job was coming to an end.  BUT after only one week of being unemployed he has landed himself a shiny new job!  Praise the LORD!  So, I decided I would use some of our YouTube money to get the girls some FUN new hair stuff instead of boring stuff like shampoo!

Here is what we got -

Brown and Burgundy yarn for V's new Fall Inspired Yarn Braids!!!!!  Coming soon!

For Little E - her hair is SO fine and thin I needed smaller hair ties for her!  These are like as big as a ring.

For All the Girls - Even Me!  Aren't they pretty?  And on Clearance!!!

B will probably get the most use out of these.

For B to wear during soccer games.  Her team is Yellow and Black.  Only $.99 each at Hobby Lobby!

Gotta Love the Dollar Spot at Target!  For all my girls on Halloween!
If only I had managed to track down the brown beads I need for V's Fall Inspired Yarn Braids!  I am SO excited to put those in I don't know if I will be able to wait the 2 weeks that I was planning!

Happy Tuesday!



  1. hi katie i can probably help you with that! how many, and just opaque brown barrels?


  2. I love those Halloween accessories! I just might have to check at Target for some new ones for my daughter!

  3. I got the exact same hair ties on clearance! They are pretty.


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