
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday

Did You Know?????

That putting chunky braids in locked hair is not only C-U-T-E, but gives you adorable waves when you take them out?  Yeah, Yeah, I am sure you did know.  It's not rocket science.  In fact, when I was a kid in the 80's and early 90's my sister and I used to do this to get that AWESOME crimped look.  Ya know, because we weren't cool enough to own a crimper.  The only difference is, we didn't go out in public with the braids in.  We just put the braids in over night to get the cool crimped look in the morning.

(Yes, I also realize this is pretty much what we normally would call a Braid Out - but I had never done it on locs before, so let's just all pretend I came up with a brand new idea.)

Well, these pics are terrible.  My apologies.  I told everyone on Facebook yesterday that life in my family is just totally crazy right now.  I only saw B in daylight for about 10 minutes yesterday and that was when I stopped by Young Man C's soccer game for a few minutes before heading off to teach a sign class.  So I quickly snapped a few pics of the chunky braids:

We are having some crazy hot and sunny weather for October here in Michigan.  Can you tell?

Anyway, we quickly took those braids out before B headed to school this morning, but that beautiful sun wasn't up yet, so again, more horrible pics.  Sorry.

I believe both of these styles were cuter in person, but you get the idea.

Hoping you are all having as beautiful weather in your neck of the woods as we are!



  1. This is very cute. Do you think it will work with yarn braids???

  2. I did something similar. My oldest wore her locs in zulu knots for school pics last week. Then, kept them in all weekend and I took them out today and her locs were quite curly.

    Next year for school pics, I'm thinking I'll do the zulu knots before hand so they have the curls for their pics.

  3. @hbeckles11 - IT might, but probably not quite as defined as this. You kind of need wet hair to make this work, and I am not sure you would want to wet the yarn braids. They would take a long time to dry while in the chunky braids - overnight wouldn't be long enough. And if they are still damp when you take them out, the curls or waves will just fall out pretty quickly.

    But you could try doing it on dry yarn braids and see what results you get....let us know!

  4. This is cute. My LO has box braids right now and I'm going to try it out on her. Good idea!


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