
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday

Did You Know??????

That Sidewinders are the PERFECT holiday hair accessory?  Not only do I love to have my girls hair accessories match their outfits, but I also love to have them match the holiday.  The only drawback is that if I spend hours loading their hair up with Christmas, St. Patty's, or Independence day colored hair accessories I am not going to want to change them out for at least a few weeks!  But then that goes against my whole coordinating with the outfit plan because I usually don't have weeks worth of Red, Green, or Flag colored clothing.

That is why I am proposing that Sidewinders are the best choice for holiday hair!  They are so much faster to put on the hair AND they can be easily swapped out for a different color long before you are planning to change the rest of the hair style.  AND sidewinders come in every color you could possibly need!

I don't actually have any examples of holiday box braids, but I think you all understand what I mean.  I DO however have some fun pics of things the girls and I did with sidewinders last night for some FUN Halloween styles.

On V we did a modified veil style with her yarn braids.  I could only fit 2 or 3 braids into the sidewinders so I had to get creative on the veil.  I did not include ALL of the yarn braids, I just used some of them and left the others hanging down underneath.  I also didn't use two sidewinders twirled together, ya know, I put in the first part of the sidewinder and it held so nice and snug that I didn't think I needed to try to wind a second one on with it.  Also I was planning to use black mixed with these oranges, but I figured you wouldn't really even notice the black up against the black braids.  This is a good way to stretch your sidewinders - it's like doubling the amount of sidewinders in your stash!

This was a simple and quick style for B.  We used solid Orange, translucent Orange and Purple.  They mixed beautifully with the pumpkin pony holder from Target!  Again, I stuffed so many locs into each sidewinder that I didn't double them up - I just put on the one sidewinder and it held so snug, it actually would have been difficult two twist the second half of the sidewinder up in there.  All we did was grab a few locs across the front and put on the sidewinder,  we did this all the way across the front and then just pulled all of her locs on top up into a half pony!

We didn't have any cute Halloween shirts for Little E, but of course she still wanted her hair done like her sisters!  We used the Orange and Black twisted together for the little missy.  Two braids going into pigtails.  Nothing to exciting, but still cute!

It might be a little late to order sidewinders for THIS Halloween, but there is always next year!  And of course, now would be a GREAT time to start thinking about Christmas and Valentine's Day styles!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone!



  1. They look so cute! I am embarrassed to say I could never get them into Lissa's hair. I don't know what I was doing wrong but it wound up not working for me.

  2. @Lee- I am so sorry to hear that! Did you watch the video again? Maybe seeing a demonstration would help????

  3. Oh these are so cute and would work for dreadlocks and twists, too. Thanks for that!


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