
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We've Been Awarded!

A BIG thanks to Margaret from Take a Walk With Me for giving us the Versatile Blogger Award!

How sweet of Margaret to give us this award.  I hope that you all see us as being somewhat versatile even though we are primarily a blog about hair.  We certainly are versatile in the types of hair we are blogging about, and if you count the random diaper posts I did the other week, well, then, I guess we are even versatile in our subject matter!  

The rules of this award state that we are supposed to pass this on to 15 other blogs!  Well, honestly, I don't have time to read and follow that many blogs, so this is hard.  Do you think it is ok if we break the rules a little bit here?  I have 2 blogs I would like to pass this on too, and I am sure Steph has a few also.  I want to be true to the award and only pass it on to blogs that I think are versatile, and for the sake of keeping things interesting I don't want to mention any blogs we have linked to in the past.  So, here are my top two choices:

Amateurian - This blog is by a friend of mine, Angi.  She is a fellow adoptive mother of an absolutely gorgeous baby girl, and she also has two other beautiful children.  I love the diversity of topics that Angi talks about on her blog.  We don't really know each other very well, but I am fascinated by her as she just doesn't seem to be the kind of girl who was born and raised in a small Michigan town.  She presents herself as a very cultured, highly educated, super classy girl.  Basically everything that I am not!  But at the same time, she is totally down to earth and an every day mommy, just trying to do what is best for her kids.  She also runs several little side business that in themselves are totally diverse.  Love her!  Today is also a REALLY good day to check out her blog because she is giving away a Kindle and the competition ends tomorrow!  

I Love Purple More Than You  - I am really giving this award to the writer Julie, because she is SO diverse she has 3 different blogs!  This first blog is about her awesome self, her awesome kids and her 34 pets.  No seriously, she has so many pets I have lost count, but the most important one is her Giant Flemish Rabbit.  I had never heard of such a thing but now that she has one, I have vowed to own one before I die.  Julie was already hilarious and entertaining on her first blog, but she needed another outlet for her comedy so she started this blog:  Gingersnaps In The Morning.  It is like a daily news show about crazy things she finds in the media and pop culture stuff and it's totally silly and fun.  Third, she also has a daughter who is adopted and she recently started a blog all about her hair called Marlie's Hair.  That's pretty versatile right?

And Steph's choices are:

Welcome To My Brain. This is Christine's blog about lots of things (aka versatile) including adoption, parenting traumatized children, being a "freegan vegan flexitarian," owning an RV park, being a funky chick with a funky cool family, and everything and nothing all at once. She just plain rocks. If you are an adoptive parent, especially of children with any trauma issues, you MUST get to know Christine's blog.
Crockpot 365. This epitomizes the word versatile because you never DREAMED that a crockpot could be SO VERSATILE! Anything you can think of, Stephanie O'Dea can make in her crockpot. Your search for slow cooker recipes is over. Check out her blog!

Watching the Waters. In some ways similar to Welcome To My Brain. In many ways different. Corey is also an adoptive mom, also parenting traumatized children. A lot of times what Corey has to say makes me tear up. She also gives a lot of stuff away and posts good recipes! She is the organizer extraordinaire of the Moms' Retreat in Orlando.

So if you received this award from us and you would like to accept it, these are the rules:
 (which we did not follow!)

  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

  • Share 7 things about yourself.

  • Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you discovered and think are fabulous.

  • Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.

  • Oh Sheesh!  We need to tell you 7 things about ourselves!  Well, since there are 2 of us, how about we each tell you 4 things that you may not have known about us:

    1)  I was born in Wisconsin and therefore it is only right that my favorite food group is CHEESE!
    2)  I was the captain of the cheerleading squad my Junior and Senior years of High School.
    3)  I got married when I was 19 years old and recently celebrated my 10th anniversary!
    4)  I used to be a Stampin' Up! demonstrator and I have a basement full of crafting supplies that I no longer have time to use.

    Steph - 
    1)  I lived in Japan for 3.5 years and played the Japanese taiko drums while there
    2)  I just bought a very cheap 1978 Dodge Delta Motorhome for myself and my RV-obsessed daughter. It's unbelievably funky (read: 70's green and wood interior)! I am now not obligated to buy anything impressive for at least 2 Christmases and a birthday!
    3)  I was once married in my 20's for 4.5 years!
    4)  I used to be a Scentsy consultant and although I ADORE the product and the scents, I also no longer have the time to devote to it. But I have a lot of smelly good wax to burn for a long time!

    Thanks for the award Margaret and have fun checking out some of our favorite versatile bloggers!

    1 comment:

    1. Wow Katie, thank you so much! I'm honored you chose me and honored to get such a great description of my blogs! And truly, you should get a Flemish Giant rabbit sometime before you die. ;)


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