
Monday, November 15, 2010


I am sad and happy to announce that one of our winners did not respond last week to claim their prize.  Our contest rules state that you need to email us with your mailing address by the Friday following the announcement or we will pick a new winner.  I am very sorry to our winner who did not respond.

BUT it is kind of fun to let one of you other lucky readers know that you will now be the recipient of your very own NUDRED!!!!!

Thanks to our new winning comment is:

Robin said... 

Just tweeted this:

I love the @keepmecurly blog! (Hope, hope, hope I win a NuDred for my son!)

CONGRATULATIONS Robin!  PLEASE email us your mailing address by this Thursday or we will have to pick another new winner!

If anyone wants to check out what Lee (one of the other Nudred winners) thinks of her new Nudred, check out her blog!  

1 comment:

  1. I just got mine in the mail! I am anxious to try it out. The only thing little Sam is 5 months old. It will be a while until I can try it out. My bio kids grabbed it and tried rubbing the sponge on their own heads. I had to inform them that it won't work on white hair. sorry kids.


We love your comments, so please share your thoughts with us! We do moderate all comments on this blog, so you might need to wait a few hours or a day to see your comment show up! We also have disallowed anonymous comments. We are just getting way too much spam.