
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Borrowed from Babes in Hairland

Have I mentioned the Babes in Hairland blog yet?  If I haven't, my apologies.  This lady does some seriously B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L hair style on her 3 girls.  It's another white girl hair blog, so not a whole lot of it transfers over to my styles for B and V, but I have gotten some ideas to try on Little E.

Unfortunately though, (for me) her girls have LONG and THICK hair!  Man you can do so much more with that crazy amount of hair!  I really loved this post she had the other day about tween braids.  Obviously Little E is not a tween, but I wanted to try the partial version of this style on her.  It was pretty hard to execute on E's head, it turned out looking pretty much like piggy-back braids.  And then because they were hanging funny, I swept it all up into a ponytail.  But the end result was still CUTE!

My favorite thing about the teen braids was the interesting braid pattern that emerged as you continue to make new braids with one strand coming from the braid before.  I just found it visually interesting.  Didn't really work out that way on E though.

Someday she is going to have more hair, right?



  1. Thanks for the shout out! What a beautiful family you have! This turned out so cute on your dd! Looking through your blog, you've got some major talent! :-)

  2. @The Mom @ Babes in Hairland - Thank you! From one talented mama to another :) - Katie


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