
Monday, January 24, 2011

Buddy Hair!

We got a lot of comments on V's latest style!  I am so glad that you all liked it as much as I did.  A simple favorite.  

The day I put that style in, V's best buddy, and also a neighbor and classmate, came over for the afternoon.  Miss A asked if I would put some braids in her hair too.  I always get excited to get my hands on a new head of hair!  I have been doing my own girls hair for so long that it gets a bit mundane sometimes, but getting my little fingers on new hair - well that is just fun!  

I thought the girls would enjoy it if I made Miss A's hair match V's.  As much as I could anyway, I certainly wasn't going to get any curly puffs out of Miss A's stick straight hair!  Whew!  My white girl hair skills are certainly lacking.  I am sure with more practice I would improve.  I do have Little E's straight hair, but you know she gives me a whole different set of challenges!  Miss A has VERY thick but VERY slippery fine hair.  It's so pretty!  Here are the results of my attempt:

Isn't she a pretty girl!

I only did 2 braids per side, instead of 4.  The girls wanted to play too, so I had to work fast!

Could be straighter - huh?

All in all, I think it came out pretty well.  Miss A was pleased.  She even borrowed one of V's sleep caps because she didn't want it to get messed up over night!  I happened to do lunch in their class room the next day and I was glad to see that it actually had made it over night!  Her hair was dry when I styled it (I only spritzed it with water a bit while I was working) and I just lightly sprayed it with hair spray when I was done.  Maybe her mom did some fixing in the morning before school?

I did snap a quick pic of the girls together.  So quick it's blurry!  But still cute.

Come back tomorrow and I will show you how I updated V's style.



  1. I love it! :D Yes, different textures require different skills I'm sure - yet, the basic premise is the same :) You did great!

    ~ Karli

  2. LOVE this! Great for all of you!

  3. I love it! Love it love it love it, and for several different reasons!

  4. I'm in abcolute love with her hair puffs. I'm 21 and going back to my beautiful natural hair and I'm totally going to try to do my hair as nicely as you did hers. I absolutely love what you did with the silkier textured hair. Very nice. You are really amazing at doing hair. I need to be just like you when I have kids lol.

    ps: I'm willing to look like a kid because the puffs are too darn cute!


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