
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday

Did You Know?????

I bought this fun and festive yarn yesterday!

Pink with sparkles - can you guess what it is for?  I am super excited about an idea I have for V's Valentines Day hair!  I am planning to put the new style in this weekend and I really hope it turns out as cool as I am envisioning it!  Things rarely end up in real life the way I plan them in my head, but we shall see!

I believe I will also try to do something in B's hair with the yarn too.  Just not sure what yet!



  1. Hello! I cant seem to find a link to email you, so i hope it is ok to post this here! Me and my friend have a hair blog, and we were hoping that you could maybe make a post to advertise us and maybe follow yourself? We can be found at Thanks so much!

  2. Hello! I cant seem to find a contact button anywhere so I hope it is ok for me to comment here. There is a hair blog that can be found at and I want to let you and all your followers know about the brush they have called the curl tamer you all should check it out! It is cheaper then the tangle teaser and is also cheaper!


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