
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday

Did You Know?????

We are moving?  Of course you do, I have only mentioned it like 10 times.  Which seems crazy because this has all happened relatively fast and yet I feel like the actual MOVE day has taken ages to get here?  weird?  Anyway, I spent the last 4 days working on getting the kids bedrooms ready to move in.  The colors in the rooms previously were awful and I really wanted to do something fun for the kids since we haven't ever really personalized their rooms before.

All 3 of our girls share a room.  I wanted them all to feel involved in the process of decorating the room, but that can be hard to do with many differing opinions.  Not to mention that I am a control freak.  So in true controlling mommy style.... I scoured the internet for room decal stickers, looked at hundreds of them, and then showed the girls the 5 choices I liked best and convinced them that my favorite one was the best choice!  Guess what?  It worked!  ALL 3 of them agreed on it!  And they were super excited about it too!  So these are the stickers we chose:

The picture of the flower decals I found showed them on a green wall and everyone liked that too, so as you can see, we went with it.  But I didn't want the whole room green because I knew Young Man C would want a green room.  So I told the girls we would just do the flower wall green and pick a different color for the other 3 walls.  I brought home 2 blue and 1 purple swatch, and again, amazingly they all agreed on a blue one!  So what do you think?

I think it turned out really great!  I can't wait for the girls to start living in it!  I'm pretty proud of this room as it involved many hours of painting and then the application of 70 stems, 70 flowers, 10 grass sections and 15 butterflies!  Yes, Yes, hand over my mother of the year award please!  Little E was hanging out with me today while I did more work on C's room.  She likes it.

The Young Man's favorite color has been green since the day I met him, so it is no surprise he requested a green room.  He asked for it to be the color of his school soccer team sweatshirt.  It is a bright, cheery green so I obliged.  His room wasn't really photo ready today, but I wanted to share it with you anyway:

You can see the blue painters tape hasn't come off yet, I still have a tiny bit of touching up to do.  But don't both rooms just make you feel happy inside?  They do for me and it helps to keep me excited about this move even though it's a LOT of work!

***I MUST take a moment to give a shout out to my wonderful sister and brother-in-law who gave up their Saturday to help me paint!  Couldn't have done it without you two!  I also have to give HUGE props to my hubby who has been holding down the fort and taking care of all the kiddies while I have been MIA.  Love you babe!***

Anybody have any fun kids bedroom pics they want to share on our facebook page?  We would love to see them!



  1. The flower decals look so pretty and the green goes really well with the blue. I would not have thought of putting those 2 colors together. You have great taste. I also like that bright green!

  2. Not only are the paint colors and flower decals pretty, but house itself looks just lovely (the banks of windows! the sash pulls! the hardwoods!) Congratulations on your new home!

  3. Oh how much fun. I just spent the day painting my daughter's bedroom from fun yellow to what we call "boring beige". Our house has been for sale for a while without any bites and I finally decided to take the advice of a stager and "Stage"....personally when I see a house with boring beige I am well ....bored. I want color and fun. I guess it will wait until we move and we can go back to fun colors like we had before. I want ideas on how you fit beds, etc. in for 3 girls in one room. We have 3 in one now and 2 in one and we just feel like the room is too small. We are praying to move because we plan on adding more to our brood if God allows. I love your site. I've learned so much and get compliments on my little darling's hair. My problem now is fighting hard from my 11 month old. She does NOT want her hair done, but has too much to leave in a fro. You DO NOT have to post this. It's just for you!

  4. I forgot to tell you that our 11 month old is hearing impaired. We are enjoying learning sign language as a family even though she does wear hearing aids.

  5. Beautiful decorations!!!!!! good job convincing momma!:)

  6. Oh, I love this! I love the color of both rooms, but the blue/green combo is awesome! It makes me happy just looking at it! I wish we could do wall decals at our house, but we have MAJOR textured walls (so much so that they will CUT your skin if you accidentally scrape a body part along them- ouch! Can't wait to move someday!) Good job, Mama!

  7. I LOVE your girls' room! Those are my favorite colors. So cheery! :)

  8. Both of the rooms look great. I LOVE the flower decals!

  9. I love all the cornrow styles you do with your girls. I expecially like the crisscross cornrows.I have learned many different ways to style my daughters hair.keep showing me all those wonderful styles. I also like the yarn, have not tried this yet. Do I use just regular yarn ?

  10. Kate I think you are doing a beautiful job with your girls hair. I enjoy watching your instructional videos. I can learn easily because you take it nice and slow.I will be trying the crisscross cornrows this week. I looked at that video six times before i finally got it. Keep up the good work I love it.

  11. Hi Kate I wanted to say I think you and your husband are doing a good job with your kids. You guys are two special people who have devoted yourselves to raising three african children. I think thats beautiful. I also love katies little hairstyles she wants to be like her sisters.Im from Detroit Michigan and I watch your videos often. You have taught me a lot of different styles. God Bless your Family.

  12. Hi... I love the kids' room and the decorations too. They are so pretty and whimsical at the same time. Btw, I was wondering if you can share where you purchased the decals online. I'm in the processs of preparing to decorate my daughter's room as well and would love to do something like this for her. I also love your blog!!!


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