
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tate Product Update and More...

Excuse me for a moment as this post begins with a disclaimer, or maybe I should say, with a "let's be honest here!"

I am about to send some love to one of our sponsors, Truly Pure and Natural.  Yes, we exchange add space for FREE product so, Yes, it is in my best interest to say good things about the stuff they sell on their site.  We all know how expensive it is to use natural products for our families, so I benefit tremendously from this arrangement.  BUT, I want you all to know that I am way to honest of a person to destroy the integrity of this blog by saying things that I don't really mean.  We started this blog to help other parents, and we wouldn't be helping anyone if we lied.  Also, the fact that I WANT to continue to receive FREE products from Truly Pure and Natural so that I can continue to USE them, should attest to the fact that I really do believe in what I am saying.  Now that I have that out of the way....

I thought you would all appreciate an update on the Tate's products that we reviewed last summer.  We have had these products in our home for almost a year, so I can now tell you how we have continued to use them past the trial phase.  (to read the original review go here)

It turns out that I really didn't want to part with the Taliah Waajid conditioner and  bodifying mist that I have been using on B and V for several years.  Our routine was working, and if it ain't broke - don't fix it!
So those two aren't washing their hair with the Tate's but Young Man C, Little E and Camera Guy are all using the Tate's shampoo and conditioner.  (I have troublesome hair so I don't even want to discuss me!)

We also all use the Tate's shampoo as a body wash.  This is my favorite thing.  It works for every member of our family and I LOVE knowing that we are using a chemical free product on our bodies.  Also it has made traveling SO simple!  Since the shampoo doubles as body wash and the conditioner can also double as a lotion!  We don't normally lotion with the Tate's conditioner, but we do when traveling.  So many fewer bottles to pack!!!

With my last order I wanted to try something new from Tate's so I ordered the Acne Solution.  Young Man C has started to have the occasional pimple and I wanted something gentle for him to clean his face with.  Most days he washes his face with the Tate's shampoo, but now a few times a week he also uses the Acne Solution. It seems to be working well, but I have to admit the pimples haven't been as much of a problem in the winter as they were last summer when he was sweaty and dirty all the time, so I will get a better idea as things continue to heat up again.

BUT, the EXCITING part about the Acne Solution is that it can also be used for dandruff.  Camera Guy has been using Selsun Blue for years and he was thrilled to try something new that wasn't BLUE and reeking of CHEMICALS!  It has worked GREAT!  He loves it!

I LOVE lip balm, so I decided to try out the Honeybee Gardens Lip Balm that TPN is selling.  I got the 4 pack and passed them out to the family.  They all smelled AWESOME, but they don't really have a super strong flavor.  I consider this a good thing because it keeps little ones from wanting to just lick it all off after they apply it!  Remember that I am being totally honest here....I LOVE this lip balm.  I have MANY different kinds and this is currently my total fav!  It kept my dry winter lips feeling fabulous all day!

Finally, for fun, and because I have an addiction to water bottles and all things purple, I ordered one of these!  When I first saw that glass baby bottles were coming back in style because of BPA fears I thought they were so cool - especially when they had those cool silicone protector things on them.  So when I saw they were making grown up water bottles just like them I was thrilled!

Does anyone else feel like they drink more water during the course of the day if they carry a water bottle around with them?  I do!

Well that is all the love I have for our friends at Truly Pure and Natural for today!  Please go check out their store!  They have even more great, chemical free things than what I have shared with you like makeup, toothpaste, coffee, snacks and more!

If you try out anything new from TPN and you love it, PLEASE share with us so we can try it out too!


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