
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Celebration of Hair Bling!

To accompany this weeks Snapaholics giveaway we would like to show you a few of our favorite hair bling pics!

You know how sometimes you just really love the way a bead combination comes together!  Or you look at a picture from a year ago and you think - I LOVE those colors together!  I have to do that again!  Or you are at the grocery store and you see someone else's little girl and you get some serious hair bling envy!

Maybe you are hair bling challenged?  You can never quite figure out what hair accessories to match with other accessories.  You have tackle boxes full of bling and you don't know what to do with them!  Maybe some days you know exactly what to do, but other days you find yourself scouring the internet for some good blingy photos to help you out?

Well, we are going to look back through some of our old photos and share some hair bling inspiration with you!

These are pretty old pics - how cute is my baby V!

We use A LOT of pink and purple hair accessories because they match most everything the girls wear.

So I really love to change it up once in awhile and I think the BLUE is really cute!  And actually quite versatile as it will match anything with jeans.

These braids are ended with star snaps I got from Snapaholics!

Look at how short V's ponytail is!

I have always loved how dark colors like this pretty purple look on V's hair.  They stand out so beautifully against her dark hair!

This purple bead mix with matching purple heart ponies were also all purchased from Snapaholics!

This is one of B's very first styles.

Don't you love how cute it is with the pastel flower beads in between each section of the piggyback braids!  

Here is a picture of G with piggyback braids with heart beads in between.

Steph - Did you get this idea from me?

(Steph here: yer darn right I did Katie!)

For added length and color Steph also has some yarn falls ballied in there...she will be doing a post about how to make these!

I like the black snaps at the bottom, they are understated and let the colorful hearts stand out!

Here is a cornrow ponytail on B before she had locs!  

The only beads are on that cornrow across the front.  But my FAVORITE part is the princess like ponytail holder around her little puff!

Don't you think Steph should carry those???

One summer V had a very large amount of pink and orange clothes.  So I came up with a number of pink/orange bead combos.  And I LOVED it!  I think those colors are so bright and summery!

Doesn't it kind of remind you of candy?

Here is a typical pink and purple combination.  

This was an Easter hairstyle.  The pink and purple flower beads matched her Easter dress perfectly!

What do you do for holidays?  I often coordinate my styles to go with the season/holiday.  

One Christmas I gave the girls matching styles, but with different bead combinations.  The different beads matched their Christmas outfits of course!  

V was wearing the Green and Red combo.  And this is B with the Red and White. 
The Style was piggyback braids on top with box braids in the back.  But the COOL part was the piggyback headband going across the top!  I love the red and green flowers!

WHOA!  Look how much V's hair grew!  And this picture is probably a year old!

Do you like to use A LOT of beads or just A LITTLE?  

This is probably about the most beads per braid I will do. I see lots of little girls out and about with beads going all the way up the braid, but that's not my style.  I like to see more of my girls pretty hair!  

How do you feel about rainbow style beads?

I like them!  These are pastel colors.  I like rainbows with bright colors also.

I know you can't really see V's hair in this pic, but that's ok because this post is all about the bling!

Just had to add this picture with my square beads from Snapaholics because they are SO cool!

I also feel like the square beads have a very slightly larger hole than regular ponies.  I seem to be able to slide them over the rubber bands easier.

Looks like I have matching flower beads on the ends of these braids.  And you guessed it!  I bought those from Steph too!

So time for some G shots. As you know from G's Story Chapters 1 and 2, I have frequently been guilty of overblinging. It's a disease, I tell you. But sometimes I feel like I hit the mark! If only her hair had been longer!

Katie already posted one of my crazy favorites above, the yarn falls with black and rainbow colors, with hearts in the piggy back braids. Loved it! And just because her face is so darn cute, here's the front shot of that hairstyle:

Despite her shorter hair in back, I really liked this style. Part of the reason was the triangle parts I made, but part was i just loved how the butterflies and barrell beads set each other off. Alas, I look back now and say "too many beads!" I should have gone for 3 per braid instead of 5!

This also illustrates something important about the oft-overlooked Style #3 snaps, the black flowers. When you want the focus to be on the bead pattern, choose a plain black snap. It is very understated and the beads stand out more.

This is the front and back of the same style. I loved the rich bright color of these beads set off by the plain white heart snap. And I ADORE G's attitude in the front shot! This is one of my favorite photos of her. If you notice the single red heart bead in the back, a fun thing to do (I got this from my friend Michelle in Minnesota) is place one single red heart bead somewhere in each hairstyle, meaning that this style was done with love. I think that is a great little idea!

I think my signature style seems to have been puffs with three bangs! In these two photos, I loved the color combination and how they matched her dress. These are the square flower sheen beads and I had cube ballies in the top photo. The bottom photo are the pastel starflowers, and I happened to have a set of mini ballies in the same three colors, so I put three ballies in each puff. Matched great! This is also a very easy way to change bling every day to match outfits. Puffs and a few bangs with bling.
(Katie Here:  I can't resist telling you how much I LOVE this white dress!  I am kind of scared of white clothes on my wild kids, but this is beautiful!)

This was G's first grade photo hairstyle. If you haven't tried cubes yet, they give a whole different look to the hair. I LOVED this one, and the way all those beads sounded together. When I did this style, I had not put lots of beads in for awhile, so I missed that clicky clacky sound!

Another fave. And no, I don't carry these at Snapaholics! :)

Now we want your help!  We know you have plenty of good ideas out there.  Inspire us!  Please email your favorite hair bling pictures to and we will put together a post of all of YOUR pictures!


  1. Fun post! Love all the color! I'm emailing you right now... :)

  2. My absolute fave is V's hair with the multi-color cubes (purples/clear/pink) in the back. Excellent random color combo!

  3. When are you going to get in more sleep caps????? I really want to order some... Please get some in soon from the Nadia site, always says she is out :(


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