
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday

Put An End To Bed Head!!!
So I am not sure if this is going to be a really helpful tidbit or not! But I had noticed at some point that I have a very specific way of putting B's sleep cap on at bedtime. I also noticed that when I put her cap on she has little to no bed head in the morning, but if B or Dad put her cap on we can have some CRAZY bed head!

So I made a quick little video demo of how I put B's sleep cap on. This may mostly be helpful for those with locs, but, come to think of it, I put V's cap on the same way. It probably is good for any hairstyle! It's just that with cornrows, V doesn't often have bed head! Although, V's current style of box twists operate pretty much the same way locs do - so this sleep cap technique comes in handy.

As a side note: I have no idea why B looks like her eyes are going to pop out of her head in this video! We were giggling about something right before we started taping and Camera Guy and I always say, "Ok, be serious now. Well, it's ok to smile!" If we don't tell the girls they can smile they look SO serious and then I get youtube comments about how miserable my girls look! But they are just trying to sit nice and quiet which takes a lot of concentration for them! lol! Anyway, so I guess, on this day, reminding B to smile gave us this very fake, plastered on expression! Kids!

Do you put your kids sleep caps on for them or do they do it themselves?



  1. Thanks. That's a good fyi about putting on sleep caps. Btw, her smile and eyes looked adorable in the video. :-)

  2. LOL I love her smile! She is being a good little model. And the wave at the end was priceless! Does she like to see herself in videos? Watch it and have a good laugh at the plastered smile.

    Thanks for the tip! We do get some bedhead sometimes. G's caps fit much looser than B's, so there is a lot of sliding around the cap does in bed. Hopefully soon her locs will help fill up the space! :)


  3. I found this blog by way of Cory's (Waters). Your work with your daughters' hair is fantastic (and their hair looks so healthy). I have a boy for whom I am considering twists/locs. How did you start with your daughter's? Can you point me to an archived entry? Thank you

  4. @Candis - So glad you found us! Our blog is pretty new so we haven't really talked that much about how we started our locs yet. Steph and I both started locs on our daughters the same way. With tiny braids. Some people call them Braidlocs, Steph calls them Mommylocs since she did them herself!

    I have a whole video series about B's braidlocs in one of the tabs at the top of the site. Watch all of those and then let us know if you have any more questions!


  5. Don't worry one single bit about people commenting on your girls looking miserable or whatever. That means they have lots of time to take away from their 'great' parenting to worry about others. I can tell from just the way you speak with your kids you are a wonderful mother! Thanks for the tip!

  6. @Candis - Also, if you check a couple posts back, at the end of my post on G's simple cornrow style I link to a VERY GOOD post on locs for boys. It was written by a mom of twin boys from Haiti, a few years ago when they were about 4 or 5. I don't know that she actually is the one that installed the locs, but she talks at LENGTH about everything else about them!


  7. My daughter puts her own on but she has cornrows and twists and her cap is not tight like that one. So we get frizzies but not bed head. I'm going to try tightening the back of the cap to get her hair to lay down more, be less frizzy!

  8. Where do you get sleepcaps like that? I have never seen them

  9. @Anonymous - I get them from a woman named Nadia who lives in Canada. I believe she picks them up from a local dollar store but so many people love them that she turned it into a little business selling them to people in the states. It only costs $10 for a set of two caps and that includes shipping! And my girls have been using there caps for 4 years now. BUT she is currently low on supply and doesn't have any for sale :( We WILL be letting EVERYONE know as soon as she is up and running again!

  10. Yikes! Now I have found my answer. I have been trying to reach Nadia to purchase sleep caps, but get no reply. Any ideas where I can get another type? I have a daughter who is biracial and one who is African American. Do both of them need it? Thanks! I am still in the "deer in the headlights" stage although I am watching your videos and reading posts. I feel like there are just SO many products and things that must be done. My AA daughter (foster for now) is only 6 months, but has a head full of thick tightly curled hair that is about 4 inches long. She HATES for me to mess with her hair. I am still doing little twists along the front and will work on harder things as we go. Thank you for what you both are doing. I am sure I will "get it" at some point! K

  11. I forgot to mention that my youngest who is 6 months and AA (my biracial daughter is 1) is also deaf. I will be learning sign language too!

  12. @Mamalion- I think any hair that can get dry and/or tangled easily would benefit from being covered at night or sleeping on satin or silk sheets/pillowcases. Since your girls are so young, and might not keep a hat on, using the sheets or pillowcases would probably be a good idea. That being said, I haven't ever bought them, so I don't know how much they cost or where to get them! SORRY :( My girls have always been good at wearing their hats.

    Are both of your girls adopted? If you don't mind my asking, did you know your daughter was deaf when you adopted her? Just curious. It is kind of a dream of mine to adopt a deaf child because I am guessing they might be a little hard to match with a family, and I already know ASL and my family is pretty familiar with it now too!


  13. Does Nadia still make the sleep caps? I emailed about caps for my 9yo and 6yo daughters but haven't heard back yet.


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