
Monday, August 23, 2010

GIVEAWAY!! - Soft Spikes!

If you loved the way B's Beautiful Braidlocs looked after we curled them with the Soft Spikes in yesterdays post, than this is your lucky day!!!!!  (If you didn't see the review - go back to yesterday's post!  There was a bit of a mixup, so the correct post wasn't on the blog until late last night.)

The lovely people at Soft Spikes are giving away one set of Soft Spikes to TWO of our wonderful readers!

Now if your little girl does not have locs that doesn't mean you can't use Soft Spikes!  You could use Soft Spikes to curl box braids OR it would be really cute to curl the braids that come out of a ponytail or pigtails like this:

Just picture it....Remove the beads and curl all those braids and have the cutest curly pigtails!  OOOooooo....Now I want to try it!

It is possible that you could flat iron your child's hair and then put sections of hair into the Soft Spikes for some big curls.  Kind of a weird idea, taking out the natural curls to put in different curls????  But I bet it would be cute.

And of course, like with any of our giveaways, you can also use them on yourself!  Moms like to do fun things with their hair too, so if you are a mom with locs, slightly curly hair, super kinky hair, or hair as straight as mine, I am sure ANY of you could find something fun to do with the Soft Spikes.  We would LOVE to see what you come up with!

I also look forward to trying the Soft Spikes on little E one of these days, I just haven't gotten around to it yet!  I do believe the Soft Spikes were originally made for curling straight hair, so if you have any children with straight hair in your home, these would also be perfect for you!

So what are you waiting for?  Go get those entries!

But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE remember to write a SEPARATE comment for EACH thing you do on the list.  If you put all of your entries in ONE comment you are selling yourself short!  Each comment gets a number for our random generator, so you want to get as many comments as possible.  

You have until 12:00pm EST on Friday, August 27th to enter the drawing.  We will be choosing the winners from the comments left on THIS post!

To enter this giveaway please leave a comment on THIS blog and answer THIS question:
We're curious...Do you or your daughter have Locs???  If not, what would you do with the Soft Spikes?


If you would like to earn EXTRA entries do one or all of these things:
1)  Go to the Soft Spikes website and tell us what color of Soft Spikes you would order!  
2) Head on over to our Keep Me Curly! Facebook fan page and become a fan. Leave a comment stating that you are a fan. (or that you already were a fan)
3) "Share" our Keep Me Curly! Facebook page with your friends and come back and leave a comment letting us know what day you "shared" us THIS week.
4) Follow @keepmecurly on twitter Come back and post a comment that you are a follower and leave your Twitter ID. (or that you were already following)
5) Tweet any unique tweet announcing our blog or the giveaway with @keepmecurly in it! Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY new and unique tweet!
6) Become a follower of our blog or subscribe to our blog through an RSS feed. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower. (or that you were already following)
7) Subscribe to Katie's youtube channel and come back and leave a comment stating that you are a subscriber. (or that you were already a subscriber)
8) Leave a comment on one of Katie's youtube videos. Leave a comment HERE letting us know the title of the video you commented on.
9) Go to Steph's Snapaholics website and leave a note in her guestbook. Come back and leave a comment HERE letting us know that you signed the guestbook.
10) Place an order at Snapaholics between 8/22 and 8/26 Noon EST. Leave a comment including your order number and order date.
11) Grab our badge! If you add our badge to your blog leave us a comment saying that you are using it with a link to your blog.
12) Advertise our site or this giveaway in a forum or other blog! We would really love it if you wrote about our site or this giveaway on your blog. If you are passionate about natural hair care, or Katie's youtube videos have been really helpful to you, or if you love cute hair things, talk it up on your blog! Earn TWO entries for doing this one! Simply post a comment saying that you are talking about us with a link to the forum or blog, then put (first entry) then comment again and write (second entry).
13) Get a friend to talk about us or our giveaway on THEIR blog, earn two MORE entries! Just leave us a comment with a link to THEIR blog and tell us that you encouraged them to participate. Then make sure they enter the giveaway for themselves too!

The winners will be announced on Saturday, August 28th. It is the responsibility of the winners to contact us at to let us know their mailing address. IF the winners do not contact us by Friday, September 3rd, we will choose new winners.

Who can participate? 

*** If you have any questions or if you have comments that are not related to the giveaway please feel free to email us at or leave your comment on yesterdays post. In order for this giveaway to work we have to ask that you do not leave any other comments on this post if they do not follow the guidelines of the contest.***


  1. No locs here, but thinking of trying them. I've never seen soft spikes before, but this has definately peaked my interest. I think that we'd try them out for some larger curls in my daughter's hair. Shari....HCnRhisMummy

  2. I have medium length locs and would love to use these in my own hair! I know, selfish. I probably would try them in my daughter's loose hair eventually though. She has great curls and these look like something she can sleep in.

  3. Neither my daughter nor myself have locs, but I have done something similar w/ pipe cleaners in B's hair, w/ 2-strand twists. The curls stayed nicely for a day. I'd like to try the soft spikes in the same way.

  4. I already am a fan on facebook. :)

  5. I'm already a follower of the blog. :)

  6. I am a fan on your Facebook page!

  7. My daughter does not have locs, but I think these would be a nice alternative to Flexirods, which I've used on her hair before to great effect!


  8. How cute those curly locs are! We do not have locks. I would use the soft spikes to curl my daughter's twists, I think that would be adorable!

  9. I follow Keep me Curly on Facebook (Margaret Jeffcoat Rogers

  10. I subscribe to Katie's youtube channel (maggie965)

  11. Black-Hotpink Soft Spikesfor me.

  12. 4everlandj in Katie's youtube channel

  13. I left a comment on "Channel Comments" I have seen her videos over and over again. You make it seem so easy.

  14. I tried signing the guestbook on Snapaholics but I got this message - This is Snapaholics New Store! Not quite ready yet....
    - . But I have ordered from her there before.

  15. I added your badge to my blog at (child development, Child care, and education, and fun)

  16. 1st entry I Advertised your site and this giveaway in my blog!

  17. My girls love pink so I would choose the black-hot pink curlers. -Traci

  18. 2nd entry I Advertised your site and this giveaway in my blog!

  19. I left a comment on facebook stating I am a fan.

  20. No locs at our house yet. Our curly girl is only two, but maybe in the future. I am very intrigued by the idea.

    Sara at

  21. I subscribe to Keep Me Curly, and I LOVE it!!

    Sara at

  22. I would order the hotpink- yellow as those are currently my daughters favorite colours


  23. Keep Me curly facebook fan


  24. I would order the purple soft spikes because my daughter loves purple!

  25. We don't have locs, but I would be interested in trying these with my daughter's small box braids or on my naturally wavy hair.

  26. I would get the black/hot pink soft spikes

  27. I tried to order from Snapaholics but got the message that the page wasn't ready yet. Too bad I'm in need of some things, i'll keep checking it.

  28. We have no locs in our house, not sure about them yet, I'm going to wait and see what my daughter thinks as she gets older, ultimately it's her hair and her decision.

  29. I subscribe to Katie's videos on youtube. Not sure what I'd do without them really.

  30. I would choose blue softspikes for me and pink for my daughter.

  31. I've been a fan of your facebook page.

  32. My daughter and I don't have locs, but I have been toying with the idea of getting sister locs. I would like to try the soft spikes on my two strand twists (which I do often) and later on my daughter's hair when she gets a little older and won't pull them out (she's 14 months old).

  33. I am already a subscriber to your Youtube page.

  34. I am already a follower on Twitter. Twitter ID: cdhar2

  35. I am already a Facebook fan! :)

  36. I am subscribed to Katie's youtube channel (and love it - thanks for the uploads

  37. I commented on the Youtube video "Little Sisters Want Fun Hair Too."

  38. No locs here but I would like to try it with skinny braids on Lissa and maybe even on my stick straight thin hair!

  39. I would order the black ones as I think then Lissa and I could both use them.

  40. I am a fan on facebook all ready!

  41. I have your badge on my blog.
    can u tell I want these things? LOL


We love your comments, so please share your thoughts with us! We do moderate all comments on this blog, so you might need to wait a few hours or a day to see your comment show up! We also have disallowed anonymous comments. We are just getting way too much spam.