
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday

Did you know....
That you can make a racerback tank from a regular tank top with Sidewinders?!?!

I loved Sheila's idea from last week so much that I had to try it. I used the smallest size sidewinders but I only have them in clear and red. If i had had all the colors I would have matched her top. But I LOVE how this worked!!! We have this problem with a lot of tank tops!
This stayed put all day with no problems! Love it!

As for other uses for hair bling, up till now we have always used barrettes to racerback tanks and swimsuits. This can be very adorable especially if you have barrettes in the same shape as designs on the shirt! Here are two I might have used with the above shirt if I hadn't tried the Sidewinders.

Additionally, hair ballies make great miniature bungee cords (I have way more hair ballies of various types lying around than I do office rubberbands!)

One fun thing we have done with them is if we are giving a birthday present and G has handmade the card, we will pick out a pair of real cute girlie ballies and bungee the rolled up card with the ballies as part of the gift.

Yet another idea for worn out snaps...snap them all onto an elastic, glue them closed (if they have no mojo left at all), and you've just made a new homemade ballie!

And here's one I just thought of, but wish I had thought of a LONG time ago! Get yourself some BGP and thread them onto the strings in your favorite pair of sweats (you know, the kind where if you are not careful the string gets pulled back into the hole in the washing machine!). Tie a knot in the tip of the string, and BAM! There you go....never have to fish the end of your sweatpants string out through the hole again!

Have YOU found any fun or different uses for hair bling? What are they?


  1. Great ideas. Love the one for using the beads at the end of the strings. Smart.

  2. Good Ideas, I got to try some of them.


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