
Friday, August 20, 2010

Shout Out for Guests AND Feedback

Hello everyone, this is a shout out! 
This is something I am very excited about. We already have a few people who have agreed to guest post for us on various topics. We also have all you awesome readers sending us hairstyle pix, which is great. We have received some fab ones!

I would like to put a call out to any reader who would be interested in guest posting for us on the topic of keeping hair natural as a girl grows into a teen. Ideally, a mom with such a teen would be wonderful! We want to know HOW DID YOU DO IT? LOL

Seriously, if you have a teen who still has natural hair, embraces it, and you have some great teen style advice to share, and/or style pix, please email us at and let's talk! We would love to have you do a guest post for us. If you successfully helped steer your child away from wanting a relaxer, we want to know your secret to that, too.

Secondly, now that we have a few giveaways under our belt, we would like to hear from those of you who won items or who have ordered products from the featured vendors...we want to know what you think! Please email us with comments, stories, photos, anything!

For example, we were forwarded some feedback from our reader Sheila who had ordered LOOK at this adorableness!

 Here is what Sheila had to say about her experience:

This is our "Halfro" style.  The half-cornrows stagger diagonally with over-lapping parts.  The 'fro in the back half gives the added fullness that really seems to frame her cute smile.
The orange and black was for back to school.  The multi-colors are perfect with her "giggle" shirt.  We LOVE that we can change these every day to match clothes or momentary whims.  We have even used the 2" size to "racer-back" the straps of a swimsuit that was a little too big.
Thanks for your quick service and great color selection!
That racer-back idea for shirts and swimsuits? LOVE IT! We use cute barrettes to do that now but I can't wait to try the Sidewinders for this purpose!

So let's hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have visited both Snapaholics and Katelynylyn YouTube channel love it. I have some pictures on from Katelynylyn very helpful videos.


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