
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why are there only 24 hours in a day?

So, most days, there just doesn't seem to be enough time!  Right?  I am assuming that ALL mom's feel this way!  I was supposed to have a post all about yarn braids today, but we are going out of town again tomorrow and I just haven't had a chance to put it together.  You can be looking forward to reading that some time next week though!

In the mean time, I have a little treat for you.  Young Man C and Little E have always been best buddies!  Since the two of them don't make as frequent of appearances on the blog I thought you might enjoy these pics of what they were up to the other day!

Aren't they special?  

I don't know what Steph has planned for this weekend while I am away, but I can tell you that I have an AWESOME review and giveaway in the works for Sunday and Monday.  So keep checking back, we like having you around!



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