
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Note on Comments

Hi everyone! Just an update about our comments on KMC....we were allowing anonymous comments (although moderating) but nearly all of our anonymous comments have turned out to be spam and it's becoming more frequent and gunking up our inbox. So, we are going to turn off anonymous commenting. If you have something to say to us but want to remain anonymous, you can just get a free dummy email account with yahoo or gmail or whatnot, and then say what ya gotta say. Or of course you can send us an email! Thanks everyone...

Now, stay tuned for Katie's post on B and E's latest styles. E's is ADORABLE!

1 comment:

  1. That's too bad! :( Sorry to hear about the spam problems - but just take it to mean that your site is doing well enough for the spammers to take notice! :) (I'm not sure if that makes sense at all, but I'm gonna go with it! lol)

    Can't wait to see the new styles!


We love your comments, so please share your thoughts with us! We do moderate all comments on this blog, so you might need to wait a few hours or a day to see your comment show up! We also have disallowed anonymous comments. We are just getting way too much spam.