
Monday, September 27, 2010

A Sidewinder Style and Little E's Buns!

Not much time to write today, but I thought I would get some pics out to you all of some recent styles.  First up is a Sidewinder do' on B:

It is kind of hard to tell from these pictures but the sidewinders were wound onto braids.  I braided about 6 locs together in three places going from forehead to the back of her head on each side.  This looked really cute with the Orange and Purple outfits she had on!

I have to admit my frustrations with doing Little E's hair!  It is just so different from my other girls hair.  Pretty much any idea I get for their hair I am able to do.  I might end up changing things as I go along for one reason or another, but at least I always have PLENTY of hair to do it!  Little E just doesn't have much going on up there!

I had a much different idea for this style, and it just wasn't going to happen.  I actually wanted to put beads on the braids that went into the buns also.  Here is the irony!  Even though E's hair is to thin and fine to do the styles I want to do, her little braids are often TO THICK to fit beads on!  It's so weird!  The other thing is that E's hair is really VERY fragile.  I know that B and V's hair needs to be handled with care, but it seems that all of the products and techniques I use on them do a great job of keeping their hair healthy and strong.  E, on the other hand, it seems no matter what I do with her hair it breaks.  And I hate to see her loose ANY of her hair since their isn't much of it.  So I don't actually style her hair that often.  It seems to do best if I just wash it, comb it, and leave it alone! Anyway, this style did turn out pretty cute, in the end, so I should stop complaining, but I just thought I would let you know my thoughts on doing E's hair!



  1. Too cute! I love both styles! E's is very creative. :) All hair is so different, isn't it? I just did a Strawllers review on my hair, Q's hair and my sister's hair and it is AMAZING how each one responded so differently to the curl, and which hair needed product in order to stay, etc.

    I even find on Q's head that different AREAS of her hair need different care! ahhh! :) It's crazy, but fun to learn!

  2. That is so cute! I love getting new ideas for my daughter!


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