
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Product Review - Nudred

This review has been a long time in the making!  I received our Nudred in the mail RIGHT after I had given Young Man C a fresh short hair cut!  So I had to stick it in the closet and just wait, wait, wait for his hair to grow!  When his hair was about 1/2 inch long we gave it a try.  It kind of worked but his hair just wasn't long enough to really get a twist out of it yet....

When we finally made this video his hair was about 1 inch long.  According to the Nudred website this is a perfect length for twisting, but I still feel like it might have worked better when his hair was even longer than this.  It suggest that hair be between 1/8 - 2 inches long.  This is the look we got when his hair was 1 inch....

Now as for how Young Man C feels about this style.  Well, I blame it on the age, but he doesn't care for it.  His dad and I both thought it looked FANTASTIC and his whole soccer team complemented him on it, but since it was MY idea, that makes it the OPPOSITE of what he wants to do with his hair.  So the instant I finally got him to tape the video review he had me cut his hair all off again!  URGH!  I think with a little more practice I would have had this Nudred thing really figured out!

MISTAKE:  I don't know if it makes a real difference or not, but one mistake I realized I made in using the Nudred when I watched their video on their website was that they apply the Nu-potion directly to the Nudred sponge, but I applied it to his hair.

Here are a few other details about the product:

Question and Answer page on their site: Nudred Questions

Price: $29.99 for 1 Nudred and 1 4oz bottle of Nu-Potion

Time to make twists:  10-20 minutes

Ease of use:  Simple!

Opinion of product:  I think this product is really cool.  I have made twists in C's hair in the past and it takes painstaking hours!  This only takes a few minutes.  HUGE timesaver!

Locs:  According to their website you can also use Nudred to start and maintain locs in the beginning stages.  I can't speak to how well this would work since we have not tried it, but it sounds like a cool idea.  I would LOVE to try it on C, but again, he is NOT interested!

To see the Nudred in action here is our video review:

If you would like to try the Nudred for yourself, make sure you come back tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. ~YAY~ I was just getting ready (literally TODAY) to order the Nudred and I am so happy to see the results..I am definitely going to try this product out (but coming back tomorrow like you said to!)

  2. I think he is very handsome and I love the way his hair looks with the twists. BTW, I guess I am a dumb blonde because prior to watching this video, I thought you had to hand twist each I have girls, so we dont do

  3. It's cute even as a temporary style, if that's what he prefers. I wonder: had you tried to revert to finger twists for the middle section? Perhaps a combination of NuDred and traditional finger/comb twists is the way to go about it?

  4. Too bad he didn't like it - I think it looks amazing! I wish I had a little boy to try it on...

  5. I bought a nudred, used it,and do not like it. my sons hair was about 1.5 to 2 inches long and it would not twist like they show in the videos. I am very dissapointed. and after maybe 10 days of use, the foam is coming apart... not happy with it.

  6. I was looking into buying one of these for my son. Have you continued to use it and like it?


  7. @Jay and Laura and baby L - Still love it, still recommend it! I can't say we have used it a whole lot since then because my son is still at "that age" where noting I suggest could possibly be a good idea. But every time we have used it I have loved it!

  8. I just came upon this post and I wanted to share my experience. I have a young 4 year old son that I wanted to start dreads on. I watched a few YouTube videos and saw the NuDred but I dont have that much money to spend. So I bought 'Jamaican Mango & Lime Locking Gel" for $5 from the beauty store. And I used it generously on my sons wet hair and I used a regular dish sponge (new and clean of course!) and an old hand towel (so it didnt leave fuzz in his hair). I made most of the twist locks by using the towel in short circular motions and occasionally used the sponge too. It was my first time trying it and he was wiggly so it took me about an hour. But it basically only cost me $5 and a little time. Each day, I have put a little gel in his hair and spritzed some water, then I use the sponge and go over his hair just to touch it up and so far, it looks great and he loves it.

  9. @Brandi what kind of sponge an do yuou think it would work with st8 hair

  10. hi my name is gabriel and i live in NEW YORK and i would like to know where i can buy one of those things .. if someone could help me with that it will be cool .. please let me know .. thanks everyone !!

  11. I have very soft and somewhat curly hair. I cut my locs about a year ago and I am ready to revert back to my natural hair care methods without looking crazy after my big chop. I work in a professional environment and I need to maintain my appearance. Does this work on soft hair or somewhat curly hair? Ive only seen it on hard textured hair so far.


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