
Monday, November 1, 2010

GIVEAWAY!! - Nudred!!

We are THRILLED that the Nudred company has given us 
3 Nudred sets to GIVE TO YOU!!!!!

It has been a little while since we had a Giveaway so hopefully you all remember how this works.  Just follow the rules below and be sure to leave a SEPARATE comment for EACH task that you complete!  You have until NOON EST Friday, November 5th to leave your comments.  We will then choose the 3 winners by random generator from the comments left on THIS post.

Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity, each Nudred and Nu-Potion set is worth $30!

To enter this giveaway please leave a comment on THIS blog and answer THIS question:
Who would you use your Nudred on????

If you would like to earn EXTRA entries do one or all of these things:
1)  Go to the Nudred website and tell us what interesting info you found that wasn't included in our review.  
2) Head on over to our Keep Me Curly! Facebook fan page and become a fan. Leave a comment stating that you are a fan. (or that you already were a fan)
3) "Share" our Keep Me Curly! Facebook page with your friends and come back and leave a comment letting us know what day you "shared" us THIS week.
4) Follow @keepmecurly on twitter Come back and post a comment that you are a follower and leave your Twitter ID. (or that you were already following)
5) Tweet any unique tweet announcing our blog or the giveaway with @keepmecurly in it! Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY new and unique tweet!
6) Become a follower of our blog or subscribe to our blog through an RSS feed. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower. (or that you were already following)
7) Subscribe to Katie's youtube channel and come back and leave a comment stating that you are a subscriber. (or that you were already a subscriber)
8) Leave a comment on one of Katie's youtube videos. Leave a comment HERE letting us know the title of the video you commented on.
9) Go to Steph's Snapaholics website and leave a note in her guestbook. Come back and leave a comment HERE letting us know that you signed the guestbook.
10) Place an order at Snapaholics between 11/1 and 11/4 Noon EST. Leave a comment including your order number and order date.
11) Grab our badge! If you add our badge to your blog leave us a comment saying that you are using it with a link to your blog.
12) Advertise our site or this giveaway in a forum or other blog! We would really love it if you wrote about our site or this giveaway on your blog. If you are passionate about natural hair care, or Katie's youtube videos have been really helpful to you, or if you love cute hair things, talk it up on your blog! Earn TWO entries for doing this one! Simply post a comment saying that you are talking about us with a link to the forum or blog, then put (first entry) then comment again and write (second entry).
13) Get a friend to talk about us or our giveaway on THEIR blog, earn two MORE entries! Just leave us a comment with a link to THEIR blog and tell us that you encouraged them to participate. Then make sure they enter the giveaway for themselves too!

The winners will be announced on Saturday, November 6th. It is the responsibility of the winners to contact us at to let us know their mailing address. IF the winners do not contact us by Friday, November 12th, we will choose new winners.

Who can participate? We are sorry but this contest is limited to readers within the continental U.S.

*** If you have any questions or if you have comments that are not related to the giveaway please feel free to email us at or leave your comment on yesterdays post. In order for this giveaway to work we have to ask that you do not leave any other comments on this post if they do not follow the guidelines of the contest.***


  1. I would use this Nudred on my 14 y/o son. His hair looks a lot like Mr. C's and I loooooooove the look! I might also try it on my 6 y/o but his hair texture is quite different, it would be fun to see how it comes out.

  2. I am all ready a fan on FB of keep me curly!

  3. Use it 2 to 7 times a day to start locing your hair!

  4. I love that Nudred shows how you can use it to help make locs or wash out the twists and style differently the next day. :)

  5. I shared about it on my blog (first entry)

  6. I shared about it on my blog (second entry)

  7. I would use Nudred on my nephew.

  8. I would use Nudred on my 6 year old son. He currently has short hair but really wants to grow his hair out longer. I loved him with little coils on his head but it took soooo long to do it. Nudred sounds amazing!

  9. I am a subscriber on Katie's youtube channel

  10. Hey!
    I would LOVE to try out this on my Boyfriend's hair! He is going crazy night not as we're trying to grow it out to braid but it's taking longer than he wanted and we don't really know what to do with it in this in between phase, i think it's close to 2 inches now and he hates it.
    I already follow on Facebook, and I just began following KeepmeCurly on Twitter! I hope I win,

  11. I would use it on my 10 month old son, Emmett!

  12. I shared Keep Me Curly's FB page today!

  13. I follow you on Twitter (EllaGracesMom)

  14. I subscribe to Katie's youtube channel!

  15. Just tweeted this:

    I love the @keepmecurly blog! (Hope, hope, hope I win a NuDred for my son!)

  16. I added the following comment to the cornrow instruction video:
    Thanks for all your videos! They've taught me everything I know!

  17. Okay, I figured out how to add the badge! Woo hoo!

  18. I would use the nudred on my 8.5 yr old son. He loves trying out new and funky hairstyles. He's tried a mohawk, plus some mini puffisin his mohawk, designs shaved into his hair and he'd do corn rows if his hair were long enough.

  19. I would use it on my son when he is old enough! I have been watching reviews on this product and was wanting get it for the future.

  20. I already subscribe to your feed. :)

  21. subscribed to the you tube channel.

  22. It's interesting that the hair texture makes a difference. I am still waiting to see what my little guy's hair texture will be like.

  23. I left a comment on the Nudred video.

  24. I would use this product on my son, and maybe even my daughter.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  25. I just became a fan on facebook - Amy Roundtree

  26. I shared your link on my Facebook page!

  27. I'm following you on Twitter - SewArtsyAmy

  28. Just tweeted - "I just entered a #giveaway from @keepmecurly"

  29. I'm already a follower of your blog!

  30. Here is my daily tweet.

    NuDred! I am trying my best to win one. How cute will Sam look with twists! @keepmecurly

  31. I blogged about it on my blog!

    (entry one)

  32. I blogged about it.

    (entry two)

  33. I would use it on my son's big head!

  34. Tweeted again today - #win some #Nudred in this #giveaway @keepmecurly

  35. Here is my daily tweet!

    I am still trying to win one of those NuDreds from @keepmecurly. It looks so neat!

  36. I subscribed to Katie's videos!

  37. I left a message at snapaholics. I could not find the guest book--which is weird because I have ordered from Snapaholics in the past. But I hope leaving an email at the site counts?

  38. I advertised your blog on my blog!

  39. I have 5 and 7 year old daughters. The youngest came hoe in August with Dreads and I haven't touched them out of fear. Her hair needs something!

  40. Here is my daily tweet!

    My last tweet trying to win a Nudred from @keepmecurly. My fingers are crossed!!


We love your comments, so please share your thoughts with us! We do moderate all comments on this blog, so you might need to wait a few hours or a day to see your comment show up! We also have disallowed anonymous comments. We are just getting way too much spam.