
Friday, November 5, 2010

Little E Has a Haircut!

I think I have mentioned before that I find Little E's hair to be a tad frustrating.  It is very fine and thin, there just isn't a whole lot there.  What she does have is all different lengths because of all of the new hair that is constantly growing in, and I also think due to breakage, her hair seems to be very fragile (although it appears quite healthy?)  Her hair detaches from her scalp with the slightest pull, it is crazy!  It is stick straight in the front, where it is also quite short, but in the back it has a slight wave that doesn't look straight or curly and just kind of looks like blah!  It was also getting quite long in the back.  Why is it so long in the back when I have given her several hair trims over her lifetime JUST in the back and NEVER in the front???

Anyway - I have also mentioned in the past that because Little E's hair is so fragile we don't style it on a daily basis.  Most days we just spritz it with water to tame the bed head and give it a quick brushing and leave it.  Maybe with a clip on the side to hold the hair out of her face.  Trouble is, I LOVE cute hair, and this just isn't very cute.  Take a look:

This is the longest her hair has ever gotten and while the length is fun for doing different styles (like the one below that we did right before we chopped it all off)  I decided, once again, to chop the bottom off and try to get the hair in the front to catch up!

I was also hoping that a shorter hair style would make it appear more full.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  What do you think?

Don't forget that the Nudred Giveaway ends TODAY at 12:00 PM EST!!!!!!!!  Just a few hours left to get more entries!  Be sure to check in tomorrow for the announcement of the winners!



  1. Have you ever visited this blog called "The Natural Haven"? It is geared towards curly hair but this info might be useful for Little E's hair, too.

    Yesterday, they were discussing why hair grows at different rates on different parts of the head. I have the same problem. The back of my hair grows faster than the front. My hair is curly so whenever I trim it even, it starts to look like a mullet eventually. But now I know have to handle the more fragile areas of my hair more gently.

  2. she's a cutie the new haircut.

  3. Very cute! My daughter's hair was just like that when she was younger. I kept it in a short A-line with bangs until it filled in a little more. She is now 7 and while she still has new-growth fly aways, it is much better and grown past her shoulders. One thing I found just this past year that has made a world of difference... never brushing her hair helps with breakage. I use a wide tooth comb and only detangle when it is wet. I also only co-wash her hair and add extra leave in conditioner afterwards to tame the new growth hairs. Good luck dealing with the frustration and embrace the short cute style for a while longer! :)

  4. Her hair looks very sweet. I think we get so caught up in the stuff we can do with our AA kids that we forget simple works really well for thin straight hair! LOL

  5. What a cutie! I love the short hair cut. Her hair looks just like mine when I was little...

  6. she is very cute! Does she like her straight hair or does she say she wants her like her older sisters?

  7. @JazBNatural - I don't think she really has any understanding that she has a different hair type than her sisters, at this point. She DOES know that she likes the stuff they wear ON their hair and she LOVES to have braids and beads just like them!


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