
Saturday, November 6, 2010


A lot of you were working really hard to win this prize I really wish we had enough of them to give to everyone!  But unfortunately we only have 3.  Check back again for more giveaways! We have other brush/comb type products we hope to review, and more to do with hair bling. And we are always open to suggestions for items we may not have thought of, so feel free to email us!

Now without further ado, drum roll please.......................

And the winning comments chosen by are:

1) Sean's Ladies said...

I shared about it on my blog (second entry)

2) Ali said...
I am following your blog.

3) Lee said...
I advertised your blog on my blog!

CONGRATULATIONS to you all!!!!

Please email us at with your mailing address so that we can get your Nudred in the mail right away!  THEN be sure to send us pics and feedback of your result.  We have heard some people have not been as satisfied as others with the results of the Nudred and I am sure all of our readers would LOVE to know what you think of it!  


  1. Thank you!! I am so excited!! My little guy is still only 5 months old, but I plan on trying this out as soon as he has enough hair. I also have a friend with 2 girls from Liberia that might like to give it a try too.


  2. Our Nudred and I love it. Super easy to use, totally painless. My 6 y/o absolutely LOVES the look. I tried it yesterday and he wanted me to do it for church this a.m. My 14 y/o is unimpressed. It looks terrific on him, he is just not into the look. Then again, he is into orange skinny jeans and belts made out of long shoe laces, so our fashion senses are somewhat divergent at the moment! LOL I have a pic up of KC's twists (which held really well, some even despite a shower are still defined.) and a short write up over on my blog
    thanks again! Lee


We love your comments, so please share your thoughts with us! We do moderate all comments on this blog, so you might need to wait a few hours or a day to see your comment show up! We also have disallowed anonymous comments. We are just getting way too much spam.