
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday

Here is the oft-requested instructional video on how to make the Fleece Comfort Dolls that we made for Social Service Sunday at our church, which we will be sending down to the Haiti Rescue Center, where they are helping the starving and the sick transform from this:

to this:

Many apologies for the crummy video. It was midnight and I had no one to help me hold the camera. So you get some nice shots of my sweatshirt and my lap as I try to hold the camera under my chin...not to mention my cluttered living room! Hey, now....some of that stuff you see there is waiting to be donated! LOL

Hope that was clear! If you are interested in sending these dolls to the Haiti Rescue Center as well, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found you on youtube and love your videos. I can't braid like you do, but I hope one day to find someone who can, so I can show them your videos and they can do my daughter's hair. Your children are beautiful!! And so are your hairstyles. Have a great day!


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