
Sunday, November 21, 2010

What I Am Is....

Sesame Street is really coming out with some awesome empowering songs!

This is totally worth singing with your kids. Go!!!


  1. Wow! What a great message and catchy song too. I am going to bring that one into school to sing with my class. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!! I Love It..

  3. I found this on a Facebook link a few weeks ago and LOVE it. I DVR Sesame Street for my daughter and saw it on an episode I recorded last week, too. It's so catchy. I wonder if you can download just the song somewhere.

  4. I'd listen to this as a workout song...but, umm, my kids will get to listen, too :lol: Do you know when it originally aired, Steph?

  5. It has been a while ago. We have 3 2 year olds so we watch SS daily. I remember seeing this not to long ago though. I do love SS videos lately <3


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