
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

Steph, Katie and the kids would like to wish you ALL a

We also want to say thank you to all of our loyal readers and faithful fans.  You have made the launch and running of this blog for the last 6 months so much fun!  We have enjoyed getting to know you, we have loved the ideas you have shared, and we have been blessed by your kind comments.

Our prayer is that this Christmas you will be surrounded by the love of your family and have plenty of time to stop and enjoy some special moments with your precious children.

Lastly, the kids themselves wanted to get in on sending you some Christmas love, so here they are:

Katie & Steph


  1. Hi, I just want to say I am so impressed and thank you for sharing your trial errors and openmindedness. I wanted to suggest sweet ambrosia and hair mask from Karen's Body Beautiful, wholesale it's so cheap , let me know what you think of it after you try it, your fellow blogger Candice

  2. Thank you for your warm wishes and Merry Christmas to all of you!

  3. Loved the videos! Merry Merry CHRISTmas to you all as well!! and Thank you for your inspirational (and educational) blog! Keep up the great work!

    ~ Karli @

  4. Hey guys hope you had a lovely Christmas. I would like to thank you for this blog. I too am African and had a white carer growing up. It was a painful experience but I'm still grateful for all it taught me. I think people like you are truly amazing and beautiful and those kids are SO lucky. God bless. Kibeth UK.


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