
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tidbit Tuesday


We have a new advertiser on Keep Me Curly, over there in the sidebar. We thought we would let her talk about her's a darling site called "" and it's owned by Lydia.

Hi!  It’s Lydia from Nandikids.    Steph asked me to share a little bit of our story for this week’s issue of Tidbit Tuesday. 
Our adoption story started in January 2007.  After much heartache and waiting, we met our daughter for the first time in August 2009.  She was a little over 4 years old at the time and was very nervous to meet Mom, Dad and big brother for the first time.  We were also nervous, not knowing what to expect or how to interact with this complete stranger who was now my daughter.  We’ve taught each other a lot over the last year and have all been blessed in countless ways. 
One of our first challenges was how to handle her hair and skin.  I had done some research and thought I knew what I was getting into.  Boy was I wrong.  I washed her hair too much, didn’t moisturize her skin enough…..   It didn’t take long to figure out that I had absolutely no idea how to take care of her skin and her hair.  Upon our return to Canada, I found it really difficult to find the rights products.   After speaking to many other adoptive parents, I knew I wasn’t alone.  We’d all spent exorbitant amounts of money importing different products that were only available over the internet.  Unfortunately we found out that the majority of them didn’t work for our particular child’s hair.  Who knew Black hair could be so varied!  
That’s when the concept for Nandi Kids Boutique was born.  I wanted to offer a variety of choices for parents, at a reasonable cost without crazy shipping costs. 

During our adoption journey, I would take time out to do a little retail therapy.  I went to all the usual places looking for dolls that would resemble my daughter.  Why shouldn’t she be able to have a doll that was just like her?  My mom bought me dolls that were just like me!  I was shocked at the poor selection.  I had to have the dolls special ordered.   I’ll never forget the look on my little girl’s face when she walked into her room for the first time and saw 4 Black dolls sitting on her bed.  I believe her words were “ah, looks at that”.  It made all the hassle worthwhile!  

My mission with Nandi Kids Boutique is to make sure every child knows that they are special; Black, White, Brown, adopted or biological.  They shouldn’t have to fit into someone else’s mould.  They are special, beautiful and deserve to have products designed just for them.
Check us out at  

Hope you are all having a great Tuesday!!

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