
Monday, May 16, 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun - Toddler Hair!!!

Introducing adorable Little C!

How cute is she?  I had so much fun working with Little C and her mommy.  Mama S and I had never met in real life before, so it was pretty cool to finally meet an online friend in person!  We live in the same town and we share a mutual friend.  It turns out that Mama S had already been following me on youtube before our mutual friend put us in contact with each other about a year ago.  So this meeting was a long time coming!  

Mama S is doing a great job of taking care of Little C's natural curls, but she has not learned the art of cornrows yet!  This sweet little punkin is about to celebrate her 2nd birthday and so her mom gave me the honor of styling her for the big event!  Also Mama C is headed out of town for a week and wanted Little C to have a no fuss hair style for dad while she was gone!  We all know what that is like!

I asked Mama S to take a look through the blog and pick a cornrow style and she decided to go with the Sun Ray pattern.  I have to admit I was a bit nervous about doing cornrows on such short hair.  It has been a long time since V's hair was that short!  But we kept the rows short up top and that allowed them to stay pretty tidy.  We finished off the back with box braids, some of which mama had put in the day before to save on time.

You can see that Little C has tons of new growth around her hairline.  This makes for some really cute little curls.  I pretty much just left those little hairs alone and only tried to include the hairs that were long enough.  Even so, I am worried that that front point where the rows originate from is going to get kinda fuzzy, pretty quickly.  But I guess that is toddler hair!

Little C sat fabulously well for us!  Her mama came equipped with a seat to strap her in, snacks, and beads (good for hair and entertainment!)  Her head was a bit more wiggly than I am used to with my older girls, but I was really impressed with how well she sat.  

Mama S chose a bead pattern that she thought was versatile enough to match most outfits!

Look at those tiny little box braids!  I remember when my girls used to have those all the time, sniff, sniff.

Happy Birthday Little C!  I loved meeting you and your mom and I hope your hair was a big hit at the party!



  1. So cute! and so fun! Happy Birthday Little C!!!!

  2. The style came out beautiful and Little C is adorable!


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