
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Recently on Little E

Happy Spring everyone!  Yes, spring has FINALLY decided to come to Michigan, thank goodness!  We were all starting to go a bit crazy around here!!!!!  With the nice weather has come the motivation to play around with hair again.  I just knew it was the winter blahs that had me in a slump!  So here are two recent styles:

This first one is just two cornrows.  I wanted to get away from our usual routine of using her ever-present side part, so this is what I came up with...

Not intentional, but this ended up looking a bit like a heart in the back.  

The second style I wish I knew a name for.  It's been done a million times before, I am sure I wore this style as a kid.  I have done it with B's locs.  So in an effort to be creative I added a twist!  Literally.  With each ponytail that was going to feed into the next section of hair, we made a twist.  

These aren't just regular twists though!  This was my attempt to imitate one of my hair idols, the Babes in Hairland momma.  I saw this post on uneven rope twists and totally fell in love with the idea.  I didn't realize at first that you need to make these rope twists the same way that I do rope twists on V - by first twirling each individual section of hair before you twist them together.  DUH!  But once I figured it out, they are as simple as can be and a fun twist on twists!  Check out her blog though, she also has a bunch of cute styles done with uneven braids.  SO CUTE!  Who am I kidding, every style this lady does is AMAZING, ADORABLE, and INVENTIVE!

I thought I would throw in these pics of Little E playing around.  We always use these close up pics of styles and sometimes I think the styles are actually cuter from a distance and seen as a whole.  So, here she is, my not so little, little.  Gonna have to start calling her Miss E soon.  Sniff sniff.

Go ahead, laugh at those tooth pick legs.  I know you want to!


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